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Hello France! Hello Dinopedia!

'It's been a marvelous journey to us all. The parks are way too huge than we ever expected, there's so much work to do, and we should get it done with a whole new standard from now on.' said by Kiki Xie, the CEO of Amodino China.

Dinopedia Pac, the partner company, as the main inviter of this trip, took us visited all three parks in three different cities in South France, hunders of animatronic dinosaur simluations were placed in park perfectly.

Hello France! Hello Dinopedia!

Hello France! Hello Dinopedia!

Hello France! Hello Dinopedia!

Beautiful parks been built with unimaginable efforts, which definitely feel pround to be part of with no doubt. This precious opportunity gave us a great lesson of which level of our products really are, and direction of improving further,

Heavy pressure come with higher responsibility, this should always be the hand that pushing us forward.

Hello France! Hello Dinopedia!